Lyndsey Charlton
Lyndsey has over 30 years of experience around IT service and telecommunications, specialising in managed services for the last 20+ years. Rising from a technical engineering background in infrastructure & operations, Lyndsey has a wealth of experience in leading multi-technology disciplines and delivering multiple strategic initiatives, including business strategy, acquisition, organisation integrations, product and service development, compliance, operational efficiency, culture change/employee engagement, and IT systems including change programs.
Pioneering in leading the vision, creation, and delivery of an ESG strategy, which was recognised in the 2024 CRN Sustainability awards. Lyndsey also holds a none-exec board membership at GroundBreaker gGmbgH, a not-for-profit focussed on funding partners to increase education opportunities in the Global South, with focus on diversity in tech. Lyndsey is a trustee for the UK Charity, GroundBreaker UK.
19-Mar-2025Conference TheatreFireside: Opportunities for Growth and Outpacing Competitors in 2025