Whatex | Team Inbox for WhatsApp
Team Inbox
Add your team to Whatex and start managing conversations as a team, saving you time.
Powerful Automation
Build intelligent bots to prequalify your customers and route messages to the right team the first time.
Contact Management
Manage all your customer contacts across your business in one place.
Understand your customers and see what messages really generate customer responses.
Powerful Messaging Builds Better Collaboration
Allowing every member of your team to read and respond to every message via WhatsApp. Assign conversations to teams and colleagues, and create powerful automation bots.
Give Yourself the Power of Freedom
Being able to achieve is great. Not having to is better, Whatex is filled with customisable automation, reducing the amount of work you have to complete.
The Ultimate Communications Tool for B2C Organisations
Consumers have moved on from email, and today’s lifestyle means they are harder to reach by phone. Utilising the power of WhatsApp API, Whatex opens up WhatsApp as an official communications channel for your sales and service teams.
For on the Go
Ensure you and your team never miss a sales or support message ever again with the Whatex mobile app.